AJH 2024-25 Traffic Pattern (decorative image)

Due to construction, AJH will have a new traffic pattern for 2024-2025.

AJH doors open at 8 a.m. every day. Do not drop your child off any earlier than this time.

We are under construction and have limited entry points. There will be a designated area for drop-off and pick-up.

We will follow the traffic pattern on the map below for the drop-off and pick-up of students this year.

The entrance to the access road is from School Street, by the football field. Everyone will enter in a single file line The drive will expand to two lanes after the football field parking lot entrance. Do not block School Street to enter the access road, as traffic will need to flow.

All students must enter the building from the back side of the campus facing the football field. Do not drop your child off or pick them up other than in the designated area, including all roadways around campus.

Patience will be needed in the first couple of weeks as many parents and students are learning this pattern for the first time.

Once athletic practices begin, before and after-school drop and pick-up will become smoother. 

On the first day of school, 7th-grade students will report to the West Gym (separate gym), and 8th-grade will meet in the cafeteria. Homeroom teachers will be in both areas to welcome their students.

Bus riders will be dropped off on the East side of campus by the cafeteria and guided to their respective locations to meet their teacher.

On the second day of school, all students will report to their 1st period class and follow their regular schedule for the day.

There is designated visitor parking on the East side of campus, located along School Street, marked on the map. All campus visitors will use the main entrance to the campus, which is located by the flag pole. The entrance by the access road will be the main student entrance for drop-off. Visitors and parents may not enter from that point.

We are excited to see all of our students on campus to get the school year started, and can't wait to see all of the accomplishments they have this year.

AJH Traffic Pattern Map