Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

2022-2023 Azle Junior High PTO

Q: What does the PTO do?
A: The PTO is responsible for organizing school dances, teacher appreciation events, fundraisers, running concession stands for volleyball and basketball games among other things to help support our students and staff.

Q: How do I join the PTO?
A: Fill out the online
Membership Form and pay $5 for membership dues.

Q: How do I get more information?
A: Stay up to date with the
AJH PTO Facebook page.

Q: What if I have more than one student at Azle Junior High?
A: Membership is only $5 per family

When does the PTO meet?
A: The AJH PTO meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 5:00 p.m. in the Azle Junior High Library.

What do I have to do as a member of the PTO?
A: The PTO is always in need of volunteers! People who can help chaperone dances, work in the concession stand, donate items for teacher appreciation events, etc.

What if I can't volunteer, why should I join the PTO?
A: Volunteering is optional. Your membership dues help support various programs for our students, teachers, and staff.