Parent Drop Off/Pick Up Procedures

Liberty Elementary Arrival/Departure Procedures 2023-24

More than 550 Students arrive at Liberty each day either by bus or with their parents by car. In order to make both the arrival and departure routines as safe and orderly as possible, it is  important that we have your cooperation with the following guidelines listed below:

Parent-drop off:


The front horseshoe is for for PreK and their siblings (lane closest to the building) and buses/daycare (outside lane) drop off only.

All other K-4 parent drop off is on the West side of the building.

*There are two lanes for K-4 drop-off (on the west side.)  Pull up to the staff member with the stop sign.  When the stop sign is raised, your child may exit.  Once all students are safely across all lanes, the stop signs will be lowered, indicating cars may begin to move. 

Please be patient while learning the procedures. Once students and parents get the hang of drop off and pick up, the process will become quicker.

After school Pick-up:

If you need to make a change in how your child goes home for the day, a written note must be sent to the teacher before 2:00 p.m. the day of the change. This can be done with a note in your child’s older, a faxed note with the parent/guardian’s signature or a phone call to the office: 817-444-1317.

School is dismissed at 3:15 p.m.  If you must sign your child out prior to dismissal, this must be done before 2:45 p.m.

PreK and siblings and buses will be picked up in the front horseshoe drive.

All daycare will be picked up in the gravel horseshoe lot, on the east side of the building.

ALL K-4 students will be picked up on the West side of the building.  There are two lanes, please use either lane. Please have your parent pick up tag visible to the caller. Pause for the caller to read your child's name. Pull all the way up to the staff holding the stop signs. Keep the student's name tag visible until your child is loaded into the car.

Please do not leave your car. No walk up dismissals will be permitted, unless you have walked from your home.  All vehicles must have a school-issued student name card visible during afternoon pick up times.  Please keep this name card visible during pick up until your child is loaded. You will need to report to the front office and sign your child out if you do not have a school-issued car tag. Contact your child’s teacher or the front office if you need additional or replacement name cards. Our staff does not always recognize your vehicle and there are days we must substitute the personnel calling names and loading cars.

Map of Drop-off/Pick-up procedures. 

Thank you for your cooperation with these procedures. We appreciate your understanding. By working together, we will ensure the safety of everyone who comes to Liberty Elementary.